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Hindu Marriage is a sacred step in one's spiritual growth. It is not contractual, rather it is a commitment between two people to be part if one another and work together toward a common goal.

  • The reception of the Bridegroom and his parents by the Bride's parents at the gate.
  • The reception of the Bridegroom by the Bride's parents on the altar.
  • The priest welcomes the assembled guests on behalf of both the Bride and Groom and their families.


The ceremony commences with an invitation to Lord Ganesh, the Hindu God of good fortune and prosperity, represented by the swastika and the center-piece of the altar.

The Priest says:

"The Hindu Scripture enjoin the worship of Ganesh before taking any important step in life. Therefore, we today, invoke, the blessing of Lord Ganesh on this young couple setting forth on life’s journey together."


The priest then invokes the blessing of the Lord of the Universe.

"Creator of the Universe, Author of all Life, we invoke Thy blessings on this man and woman whom you have created, and whose lives are now joined together by your will. Grant that they may forever live securely in the knowledge that Thy hand, which has supported them so far, will always continue to guide and aid them."


Fire, the domestic element, is then worshipped as the Priest says:

"O Greatest and Most Powerful of the Five Elements, whose light and heat sustain all life and growth on earth, let Thy Light ever shine in the lives of this couple and bring them the warmth and comfort of mutual understanding and affection."


The Priest then invokes the ancestors of the couple by saying:

"It in fitting that at this time we should honor our ancestors who gave us life, whether they are present or absent, alive or in heaven; we ask their blessing on the new life now commencing for these, their descendants."


Marriage, being a major undertaking, the groom is cautioned by the priest citing varied responsibilities that he will be called upon in the future. If he in unprepared to do so, this is the time to say ... SAVDAN.

Similarly, the groom's party is reminded of their presence in this ceremony and thus their approval of this marriage in progress is asked for, if not, this is the time to say so ... SAVDHAN.


As the progress of the ceremony is approved by the groom and his party, the Bride's maternal uncle escorts the bride to the altar. The Bride and her party is cautioned the same way as the Groom and his party. As both the parties agree to proceed...


The right hands of the Bride and Groom are joined together as a handshake and covered with a white cloth. The guests are notified of the union with the ringing of a Thali - a metal plate. 

At this point the Priest announces:

"I now join your hands together and I call upon the Gods, the Sacred Fire, the Spirit of our  Ancestors, and all those assembled here to witness that now and henceforth you are man and wife in equal partnership. You are to love and cherish each other for the rest of your lives, and not allow anything to part you from one another."


The end of the Bride's sari is knotted with the Bridegroom's cloth piece end. This signifies that the newlyweds are tied together for the worldly life.


Vows are exchanged by Bride and Bridegroom as they circle the sacred fire three times with the Bridegroom leading, and last circle with the Bride leading, symbolizing that she   agrees to the vows and promises to lead him toward the true path.


Groom: I take your hand for prosperity, good children, and happiness. Live with me happily till old age. The Creator of the Universe, the learned elders men gathered  here entrust your hand to me for the fulfillment of my Dharma of Grihasta-Ashram  (Duty of Home).
Bride: I take your hand. We shall remain happy and agreeable to each other till the
end of life. I am holding your hand and you are holding mine; we shall never do
wrong to one another.

Groom: You are my wife. I hold your hand to follow the path of Dharma - moral principals. Bride: I am your wife, and will take care of your home in accordance with Dharma.

Groom: Paramatma, the Lord of the Universe, has entrusted you to my care, You shall get your nourishment’s through my efforts.
Bride: Through the grace of God, I am fortunate to be your wife. There is nothing dearer to me than you in this world. We shall lead a long life in mutual affection.

Groom: May the forces of this Universe keep us happy and prosperous and increase our happiness through creating brilliant children like the Sun.
Bride: I shall lead our married life with the same desire.

Groom: May the celestial forces help to produce noble progeny.
Bride: We shall live the life of Grihasta-Ashram in a spirit of cooperation and progress and  procreate noble progeny.

Groom: I shall not keep anything secret from you. I shall not perform any immoral act and practice any kind of mental deception on you.. I shall not break the bonds of Truth and Dharma. You are my wife.
Bride: I agree to do the same. You are my husband.

Groom: I shall perform all my religious duties with you.
Bride: I promise to cooperate whole heartedly in the discharge of religious duties.


This ceremony of seven Steps sets the seal of the union of theme two souls.
The Seven Steps symbolize the components of an ideal marriage.

  • Sufficiency of food
  • Physical, Mental, and Spiritual health
  • Wealth and its' correct use for education and cultural enlightenment
  • Peace and Happiness of body and soul
  • Healthy and intelligent progeny
  • Mutual understanding and cooperation
  • Loyalty


The Bride and Groom garland each other in accordance with ancient custom and the Priest reminds the assembly that by doing this they have demonstrated their free choice of each other.


The Priest then pronounces the final blessing:

"And now may the blessing of God Almighty remain with you on life’s journey. May your path be covered with flowers and lead you to the pinnacles of everlasting Peace."


The Bride's parents give away the Bride to the Groom and his family. The Bride receives blessings for a good marriage and gifts to carry to her now home.
Family members and guests arrive at the altar to bless the newlyweds.


2655 North Cobb Parkway,
Kennesaw, GA  30152

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